Welcome to our forums!
Whether you're a diehard fan or a newcomer to Marble Blast, you'll find a warm and welcoming community here. It's a great place to connect and hang out with other fans and also a great way to keep up to date with the latest news and updates about OpenMBU and all things Marble Blast.
There are a few things you need to know before you get started, so let's get down to it.

Be civil
- Be kind and respect other people. Refrain from using derogatory language toward others or posting offensive content.
- Do not start fights with other people and keep disagreements respectful. Resorting to name-calling is an awful way to get your point across and may turn others against you.
- Respect the privacy of others. Do not invade the privacy of other people by asking for or sharing their personal information or by sending unwanted DMs.
- Keep the use of profanity to a minimum.
Absolutely no NSFW
- Posting NSFW images or links will result in an instant ban. This includes cropped NSFW images with nothing inherently NSFW showing, or foul or suggestive language that is sexual in nature. It is not tolerated.
- NSFW profile pictures are not allowed. If found with one, you will be asked to remove it or leave until you comply. This includes cropped NSFW profile pictures.
- NSFW nicknames (slurs or extreme sexual content) will be reset by staff.
- NSFW discussions will result in warnings and potential action for repeated violations.
General Guidelines
- No spamming. This can be one giant wall of text, not just multiple messages that disrupt the flow of chat.
- Keep things (relatively) on-topic in channels. If content isn't fitting for the channel, you may be asked to move to the appropriate channel.
- Do not share illegal or pirated content.
- Keep political and religious discussions civil and respectful, or avoid them altogether if they are not relevant.
- We recognize that some real-world current events are too big to ignore and have very real implications for some of our members. Discussions of these events are allowed but will be heavily monitored.
- Do not talk negatively about people who are not in the server as they cannot defend themselves. This does not mean you cannot have or express opinions about such individuals, but act appropriately and keep within reasonable bounds.
- This is an English-only server. While we have nothing against other languages, it becomes difficult to properly moderate when people are speaking a multitude of languages.
- If we feel that you are using our server almost exclusively to advertise your content, you will be asked to stop.
- Do not advertise other servers without permission. If you are caught advertising your server unsolicited via DMs to our members, you will be banned.
- All the rules still apply in Voice Channels. Do not be disruptive to an ongoing call. Do not stream videos, games, images, or other content that would violate any other rules.